Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday and Pilates...

I should rename this blog "Dancing, the Gym, and my Dog...I am beginning to think crate training is not for him.  He is so young that he whines whenever I put him there and I never crated my first dog, either.  Still, when I crated my second dog, it was nice to see him take to his space more readily and he seemed to have more control of his boundaries outside, too.  The problem is the neighbors -- I already got one complaint today when I left my apartment for only two hours!

So, Yasir is really amazingly strong for such a young boy and he has readily taken to walking, although he sleeps most of the time.  I took him to the vet, who was impressed with his general robustness.  Then we went back home because he prefers to play with his toys, which is good for him.

I was able to get to the gym and take my favorite Pilates class today, the one with the Swiss balls and weights.  My arms are getting much better from working with weights and my stability, especially in my oblique area, is improving from being on the Swiss ball.  My leg raises to the side were a little more placed, although my left leg still wants to swing to an angle instead of in a straight line.  Straight lines are what it's all about, and even my ballet teacher on Monday said, "stay straight, Dorothy."  I still notice that I hunch over and my chiropractor, who is my niece, said this is the danger of Pilates, that you think you must crunch into this hunched over state.  Really, though, the aim is to be straight and strong, with a little inner tug...

I am going to my ballet class tomorrow, rain or shine, because I have missed two days and there is a saying that if you miss one day, you know it; two days, you audience knows it, or something like that.  I wanted to go to the gym tonight and swim but after I heard the thunder, I bought some food and headed home in the messy rain/snow, Chicago's finest...then I took puppy out and his stamina amazed me again, walking in the stormy snowy night, like a real hunter.

Now we are both resting at home, dreaming of adventures to come...

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