Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wednesday - it's June!

Time trickles by and before you know it, weeks have gone by.  My fitness routine continues much the same, and puppy is growing.  I have a new job, or I hope I will, after training.  There is lots of competition but I will give it my best try.  I felt like writing an update today because I am so inspired after taking a ballet class and then watching Twyla Tharp, guest artist/choreographer/celebrity, at one of the dance studios I frequent.  I had read about it and looked around, finally thinking it would be a closed event, but there she was, coaching the dancers who would be performing her choreography.  She seemed like a goddess, and every move she made was so artistic.

I also had a revelation yesterday while watching another young choreographer after class yesterday who appreciates classical ballet.  As I watched the dancers assume their classical positions and work on various moves, I realized that this was how the old courtiers must have perceived themselves; that is, they would practice for hours to get their elaborate steps down so that they could perform their spectacles, much like it is done today.  Nothing really changes after all!

I noticed how Twyla Tharp showed her movements, with economy of movement, and yet every step reached beyond itself and the energy flowed from her into precise forms which were all perfect.  Her plies, her arms, her turns, it was all there, all the painstaking technique, but she did not dwell on the technique to show it off.  She was using it as a tool to get into her dancing -- her body reached out for expression and you forgot the work involved.  It just became one beautiful seamless burst of joy.  She was like a kid playing, inviting you to do the same!

True art communicates like this.  Communication is an art in itself, in whatever form.  It is what transforms the ordinary into something special and makes you think about the precious moments of your day.  It can teach you to be a better person and try to be one of those people who makes a dent in time for everyone else.