Monday, November 29, 2010

Balmy Monday

What a gorgeous day, overcast but so walkable.  I have had this nagging rash so I went to the clinic and now I have a prescription for anti-viral medicine.  I don't care for myself as much as I should because I don't have the patience to wait in doctors' offices but when your health interferes with your day, it's time to fix something.  Everyone needs to step back once in a while to attend to personal matters.

But, I am home in time for my daily workout!  The nurse at the clinic said my blood pressure was perfect, 100/80 and my temperature is 99 degrees.  I do believe it's because I work out every day.  Having some food and coffee now, ballet and the gym later, after I get my medicine.

Class over, watching the teen girls clowning around before pointe class.  In walks teacher, saying, you are supposed to be graceful ballerinas.  I wish someday to take that class but I need more proper alignment.  However, my friend has told me not to write so negatively about myself, so I will say what I did well:

I do have a nice line and my legs are getting in better shape.  I am getting into positions more properly and my arms have better structure.  My torso also looks stronger and I am moving my head.  Okay, so much for saying how sweet and pretty I look, it will make me blush!

At barre, the teacher emphasized the importance of contracting the abs so that the distance between the sternum and pubic bone is square and the ribs push down to meet the hips, which are up and held.  In this frame, the legs and arms are thus free to move.  I hear the teacher saying to the pointe class girls, hold those ribs, shoulders, hips up, go with the music.  In my class, she said you have to know when to push the music and when to let the music push you, for instance, pas de bourre is quick and underneath you to prepare for the big movements to come.

Demi-plie, demi-plie, grand plie, releve, releve, releve, in all positions.  First position, tendu front, plie, side, plie, back, plie, tendu 1st 5th 1st 5th, 5th 4x.  Tendus from 5th with plies, tendu front, fondu soutenu carry to side, side to back, degages in 1st position with arms.  Circular port de bras, step over passe balance.  Frappes single en croix, double en croix, batterie.  Passe tendu, pas de chevals.  Developpe front, carry side, passe, developpe arabesque, fouette to other side, penche.

Center:  Two tendus side, pirouette; repeat opposite side; chasse pas de bourre, pirouettes en dedans, detourne, cambre pas de bourre en tournant.  I have to learn the terminology better -- I try to remember the steps but my descriptions are not quite precise...then we did balance, balance, pique attitude turn balance, pique arabesque step over, cambre pas de bourre.

Jumps:  glissade jete couple ballonne ballonne, chasse pas de bourre glissade assemble...
Chasse pas de bourre glissade pas de chat; repeat opposite sides, chasse forward, pirouettes, finish.   This teacher goes right into the big combinations without warning!

Grand Allegro:  Pique developpe croise, balance, step step grand jete en tournant; repeat.  Now to the gym.  It's raining outside but I want to swim...

So I got to the gym and went to the steam room and then started my swim but the medicine rendered me too drowsy to swim, so I used the kickboard for a few laps and then went to the sauna, where the warmth put me to sleep.  It felt good to just lie there and relax until I heard the announcement that the gym was closing and so I had to leave and walk home in the pouring rain.

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